On the way to hybrid intelligence: influence of the human-system interaction rate on the human cognitive performance
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Conference Proceedings
Authors: Oleksandr Burov, Evgeniy Lavrov, Svitlana Lytvynova, Olha Pinchuk, Kateryna Horska, Oleksii Tkachenko, Natalia Kovalenko, Yana Chybiriak
Abstract: IntroductionHybrid job and learning create new opportunities and set new requirements to control a human-machine interaction. It is important to keep in mind that modern and future participants of these activi-ties can include the artificial intellect (AI-actor) as well. One of the critical features of their interaction could be the rate of the information exchange, because an AI-actor can accept and produce tasks in a quite stable rate, in contrast with a human-actor whose performance quality can very in time. As a result, their interaction needs to be adjusted in many cases from viewpoint of complexity and rate. It is supposed that the process of the information task flow should correspond an individual or moderate rate, in the best case. But according to our preliminary data (Burov, 1990, 1996), the moderate rate (even individually adapted) of perceptual and cognitive task flow was accompanied by a higher physiological strain than slow and fast ones. Because the cognitive component of the mental work becomes more and more significant both for a job and for a teaching/learning, it is useful for adaptive systems’ design to clarify if the free (“auto”) and moderate rates have the same and/or similar influence on a human performance quality (reliability and speed) and health consequences. GoalTo carry out the comparison analysis of the speed and reliability of cognitive activity by subjects performing computer tasks at a free and fixed pace, considering the physiological "cost" of such activities. Discussion of ResultsThe methodological basis of our research are models and methods for assessment a human ability to cognitive work using the computer system for psychophysiological research developed by authors. The survey included cognitive test task performance, blood pressure and heart rate before and after the test performance, as well as electropuncture diagnostics (EPD) after Nakatani (including 3 stress-points) for each subject. 47 subjects participated in experiments, 4 times per month (three times performing tests in the fix pace, one time in the free pace, each test session in a week). The duration of each test session was 3 continuous hours. Variation of the cognitive test task performance (accuracy and reliability) over the research period were studied and compared with changes of psychological and physiological indices, namely heart rate, blood pressure, vegetative stress index after Bayevsky as well as stress indices after Nakatani. It has been revealed strong increase of the stress by physiological and EPD indices and deterioration in activity (task performance time, reliability) in test sessions with fixed pace. Individual and inter-dividual variations are considered.Significance of the Proposed PresentationThe results can be applied to optimize a human and digital system interaction accounting a hu-man cognitive and psychophysiological limitations in interaction pace. The optimization goal can be to adjust their interaction pace to achieve maximal general performance in short- and long-term per-spective.
Keywords: Human-system interaction, hybrid intelligence, cognitive performance, psychophysiological indices, performance pace, experimental research
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002925
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