Bulgaria's Digital Transformation
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Linda Bower
Abstract: For over three decades, Bulgaria has been advancing the level of technology in the country. The strategy has evolved from e-government into digital transformation. In the beginning, the country’s e-Government program was focused primarily on developing and upgrading infrastructure elements and main systems. However, the existing regulatory framework was able to accommodate e-Government, but it did not stimulate it. In addition, difficult to achieve high efficiency achieve high efficiency due to a lack of a systematic approach to e-Government development. Some agencies had progressed significantly in implementing electronic administrative services, but in general, e-services were limited.The government forged a strategic framework to implement e-government, and a new e-government agency was established to guide the process. Tis strategy has been successfully implemented: the government has gone paperless, citizens have mobile access to government services, and schools receive curriculum materials electronically. e-Government system, part of an end-to-end solution to provide e-Government services The main components of Bulgaria’s e-Government infrastructure include portals, networks, eIdentificatin/e/Authorization, and knowledge management. The legal framework includes legislation, freedom of information, data protection/privacy, e-commerce, e-communications, and e-procurement.Bulgaria has obtained significant benefits from this program. In particular, it has contributed to a tangible reduction of the administrative burden on citizens and business. Going paperless by itself has saved hundreds of tons of paper and humdreds of thousands of dollars annually. In addition, government processes have been optimized, and systems are more reliable and secure.The program continues with Digital Bulgaria 2025. This program has a vision beyond government operations and seeks to bring the benefits of digital technology to all sectors of the economy and society. The goal is to create an environment to foster the widespread use of information and telecommunications technologies (ICT), along with new technologies for businesses and citizens. Continued progress in e-government is an important part of the program, as well as modernizing education, improving the digital ICT skills of the workforce, and increasing the number of highly qualified ICT specialists. Significant benefits are expected from the implementation of this strategy.It encompasses achievements so far and the new European strategic and programming guidelines for achieving a smart, sustainable and inclusive digital growth. The goal is widespread implementation of intelligent solutions in all areas of the economy and society, and modernizing information and communications technologies (ICT
Keywords: Digital Transformation, e-Government, ICT
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002953
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