New technologies sustainability: monitoring and evaluation of results of interventions for the promotion of cultural heritage and the human landscape

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Paola DantonioCostanza FiorentinoVincenzo Nunzio ScalcioneFrancesca Vera RomanoFrancesco Toscano

Abstract: The relationship between the development of technologies and the history of the cultural and agricultural landscape is linked to the concepts of "cultural landscape", understood as a space in continuous construction that changes with the change of individual, collective, social and cultural relationships of the inhabitants of the territory, or of the "cultural inhabitants", citizens who are producers of culture, rather than users. A vision of the "future as an open place" emerges, understood as a place of usability and sharing of all human, material and immaterial productions.Technologies, within a similar perspective, are presented as the historical evolution of téchne, whose degree of development today allows an extension of the level of human action.This study, in agreement with the scientific literature based on the use of recently developed digital models, demonstrates that the mainly agricultural territory of Basilicata, historically the site of complex social relations, has created a traditional rural society in which the concept of neighborhood and the spatial connotation also had the symbolic value of sharing knowledge and practices, relationships based on inclusiveness and sustainability. The diffusion of 5G technology is generating important cultural transformations. What used to be the neighborhood community in Matera (IT) - also following the activities launched with the CTEMT project and the social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic - is now becoming a virtual community for sharing knowledge and practices , beliefs and values, including the use and management of cultural heritage, which takes place through the network, and therefore using applications that promote a transformative intervention of the landscape, such as to make it functional to human needs, and, at the same time, sustainable with respect to the perpetuation of ecosystem relationships.The diffusion of 5G technology, is generating important cultural transformations. What in the past was, in Matera (IT), the neighbourhood community - also as a result of the activities launched with the CTEMT project and the social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic - now becomes a virtual community, sharing knowledge and practices, beliefs and values, including the use and management of cultural heritage, occurs through the network with the use of applications that promote accessibility and sustainability in both the urban and agricultural landscape. As argued by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the attention to the dynamic conservation of the landscape should not be placed so much to the "culture itself" or to the "nature itself" but rather to the relationship between these two dynamic components has been established, but also from the holistic mentioned many times, attentive to the values of identity and comforted by the knowledge and decoding of the intangible heritage, from which we deduce the active role, shared social behaviours, the mechanisms of transmission of knowledge and transgenerational awareness also thanks to the complex and fascinating universe of uses, traditions, rituals and rites that are an important tool of conscious management of the landscape and its culture. The conscious use of artificial intelligence is the concretion of the virtuous relationship between Humanism and technologies. For the biodiversity it is a support to the recognition of the species, in particular of the native ones, and it allows people to recognize themselves culturally and find into the biodiversity a collective and cultural belonging to the community and to the landscape. Therefore, thanks to the use of new technologies biodiversity becomes an historical-anthropological archive of knowledge and practices of a territory, and new technologies a powerful tool for the conservation of the cultural heritage.


DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002962

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