Exploration of Intercultural Mechanism of Language through the Interaction with Sensitive Qualities of Artistic Objects
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jorge Gil Tejeda, Lorena Olmos Pineda
Abstract: Through the study of 346 artistic products, related to digital paintings from the Medieval period, the relationship between the intercultural mechanism of contemporary language and the qualities of paintings were studied. In this sense the tool developed by Wingfield, C., & Connell, L. (2022) was used, in which the semantic similarity based on user experience was analyzed. In relation to the qualities of artistic object the tetrachoric coefficient of darkness was considered to analyze as one of fundamental sensitive factors of artistic work, so the variables were reduced to the dichotomy: darkness of the digital work in RGB system and concepts based on experience. Likewise, a classification of 57 relevant topics of digital works were obtained. The results suggest the existence of a low relationship in the dichotomy: darkness of image - concept based on experience; However it was observed that as the closeness of the concept increases in relation to the Middle Ages, there is less tendency to find works with a prominent darkness in the digital image., Which suggests that the formation of contemporary concepts related to the Middle Ages are not dependent on the darkness of the work. The intention of these studies lies on exploring the relationship of the intercultural mechanism of language based on semantic similarity -proposed by Wingfield, C., & Connell, in groups of contemporary users and the interaction with sensitive qualities of objects created in ancient times.
Keywords: Interaction with Artistic Objects, Construction of Intercultural Concepts, Digital Products, Processes of Interaction.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002929
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