Application of Double Skin Facade to Improve the Thermal Comfort Level in an Experimental Chamber

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Eusébio ConceiçãoMaria Inês ConceiçãoMaria Manuela LúcioJoão GomesHazim Awbi

Abstract: In this work a DSF system (Double Skin Facade) is used to improve the thermal comfort level that the occupants are subjected in an experimental chamber. The DSF system, build with three unities, is equipped in a south facade of the experimental chamber. The study, made in winter conditions, uses the solar radiation to heated the air, injected in the occupied space with 6 people, to improve the thermal comfort conditions. The experimental chamber is build with wood and isolating material. The DSF system is build with two glass façades, equipped with 15 lamellas. This system, subjected to solar radiation, is connected to the interior with a duct system connected with two ventilators. The numerical study consider a software that simulates the building and the DSF thermal response. The numerical model, that considers buildings with complexes topologies, uses energy and mass balance integral equations for the opaque surfaces, transparent surfaces and internal air. The software also considers the solar radiation simulator, the radiative and convective coefficients evaluation, the glass radiative properties and the thermal comfort and internal air quality simulator. In accordance with the obtained results the thermal comfort level, using the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote), during the occupation time, in general, is in accordance with the international standards.

Keywords: DSF, BTM, PMV

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002931

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