Building a Healthy Family Atmosphere: a Hybrid Toy System Design Based on the "Zone of Proximal Development" Theory

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Xuan HeShuai SunXiaoling Lin

Abstract: The lack of family sex education is a major issue in the development of comprehensive sex education for Chinese children. Three significant obstacles stand in the path of the development of family sex education. The first is the lack of effective parent-child participation in the practice of the family; the second is the mismatch between the parent’s sexual knowledge reserve and the sex education required by the child; third, the lack of quality of parental sex education has led to difficulties in grasping the timing and depth of development. Therefore, children's family sex education requires effective design patterns to intervene. This study proposes a model of design theory for family sex education based on the " zone of proximal development " education theory. This paper also yields an interactive hybrid toy system based on Dida products to help parents teach children about sex and boundaries. The design prototype has been tested and received positive appraisal and feedback, indicating that the designed theoretical model is effective in the promotion of family sex education.

Keywords: Children Sex Education, Zone of Proximal Development, Hybrid, toy System,Design for Inclusion

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003327

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