Analyzing the effects of split-screen animated transition on user experience in In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Xinyuan Zhao, Yuan Xiang, Shuo Li, Hu Zhao
Abstract: Enhancing the user experience of IVIS GUI has become increasingly important in the automotive industry. The size of IVIS screen is getting larger and larger, and as time goes by, in the process of using IVIS, because the size of IVIS can usually allow different applications to be displayed at the same time, the screen needs to display the appropriate split-screen animated transition during the user opening split screen status. In this study, we designed quantitative experiments on three basic transition effects: fade, slide, and zoom, and manipulated (9 combinations of transition effects + no transition effects) 10 combinations of transition effects at 9 different interval times in sequence, with 31 users participating in our experiments. The results of the study show that the most suitable combination of transition motion is AzoomBfade, AzoomBslide, AzoomBzoom, and when B delay 150 ms interval is the most suitable interval for split-screen transition effect, and this time should not exceed 400 ms for A application and 430 ms for B. This study provides relevant guidelines for the field of motion design to improve user experience.
Keywords: Split, screen, Animated Transition, IVIS, User Experience
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003382
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