Envision - Testing Platform For User-Centered Visualization and Interaction Concepts
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Christian Blessmann, Deike Hessler, Thomas Hofmann
Abstract: ENVISION is an ongoing research project of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (HSOS), the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the software development company FREQUENTIS ORTHOGON. Within the project, a testing platform for user-centered visualization and interaction concepts is being developed. This paper discusses the methodological approach as well as basic conceptual decisions for the selection of a design process for the development of new systems. The scientific focus of this paper is on the user-centered design of future radar interfaces and Controller Working Positions (CWPs).With increasing digitalization and automation in the field of safety-critical air traffic control systems, functional adaptations and enhancements of CWPs are becoming the standard case. The interdisciplinary cooperation between air traffic controllers, software developers and usability experts outlines a procedural model for the development and testing of future cooperation with air traffic controllers and their better integration into the development process of new systems.
Keywords: UI/UX Design, User Interaction, Ergonomics, Prototyping, CWP, Controller Working Position, HMI, User Centered Design
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003400
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