Future Companion Intelligent Products

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Xiaoya WangYun Wang

Abstract: Intelligent products are experiencing the development from industrial intelligence to service-oriented, chat-oriented,and virtual life intelligence. Today's Intelligent products can help humans complete complex and dangerous work and gradually become our friends in daily life. Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic, when the whole society faces the challenge of loneliness together, people urgently need to use AI to solve the problem of emotional companionship. It is a problem that needs to be solved by interdisciplinary thinking to make the machines that interact with people able to observe, understand and generate emotional characteristics similar to those of people. This paper introduces companion-type intelligent products and the status quo of multi-modal interaction between such products and users. On this basis, combined with design, psychology, and ergonomics, a design scheme for further research on companion-type intelligent products using multi-modal emotion recognition technology is proposed. This scheme focuses on using the "instinct and emotion" module in the product to adjust the interactive behavior and realize different responses even when the same stimulus is presented.

Keywords: Companion Intelligent Products,Emotion Detection,Multimodal Interaction

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003415

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