A comparative study of seagoing vessels between China and Europe from early 15th century to early 17th century

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yan HuajieJiefeng LuQin Kai

Abstract: It was a period of high speed development of seagoing vessel from early 15th century to early 17th century. As an important tool for human exploration of the sea, ship decoration not only carry the imagination and reverence of the sea, but also influenced by the times, religion, politics, culture and aesthetics. It aims to compare the ship decoration which base in design pattern, manufacturing techniques and colour between Chin, Spain, Portugal and Britain. This paper use a comparison methodology involving a widespread historical research conducted on historical documents and ancient painting. In this study can identify the influences of different culture elements of ship decoration which has been mapped in this research. By analyzing all outcomes of the research would be beneficial for designer of ocean-going vessel base on historical element context.

Keywords: ship decoration, seagoing vessel, culture, design

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003438

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