Home Healthcare System Application Design for COVID-19 Preventive Management
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yukun Xia, Yan Gan, Zijie Ding, Shanyu Ge, Yongkang Wu
Abstract: COVID-19 is an infectious disease now known as a "global pandemic" and is reported to be transmitted directly, aerosolized and by contact, and is highly contagious when in contact with patients. Fever, dry cough, and malaise are the most common symptoms of COVID-19. And at this stage, there is still no comprehensive solution for the containment of COVID-19 from a microbiological and curative point of view. Therefore, we need a more independent environment and a smarter medical system for detection and transient isolation before and after social events. And IoT is a popular and proven management technology that can support a variety of human behavior management programs.In this paper, we used interview method, follow-up method, questionnaire method, and literature search method for research verification, process profiling of multiple usage scenarios, and proposed an APP(Application) program design of home medical system for different users' behavioral habits, with functions including risk assessment of planned activity locations and self detection after social activities (via close objects such as masks), etc. The application consists of four main modules: detection, planning, recording, and communication, tracking and warning of epidemic risk sites via wearable devices to reduce the risk of infection for users, and integration of software functions with smart home systems via IoT technology to improve the effectiveness of preventive management for users.
Keywords: Preventive management of COVID, 19, COVID, 19 pandemic, Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality, Emotional design, Behavior Management
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003453
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