Emotion in the communication process and the power of understanding the message
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Silvia Rala, Ana Paula Gaspar
Abstract: The mechanisms we find in a communication process reveal to us a field of empathy, fundamental in a structured system of reading and interpreting concepts.In this way, homeostasis regulates our organism in a structured context and tries to maintain an emotional balance in the face of a world of prolific content. Thus, the conditions of environment and language reveal levels of interpretation to the messages consumed daily and in various conditions. And, in tune with the phonemes and graphemes, we find an association of meaning for the writing of information, poetry and, other media. However, the difficulty of interpreting and decoding the concepts implies a field of communicational skills knowledge levels, whose impact self-reveals trust in the receivers of these messages. How can these messages cause empathy in their receivers and enhance learning and knowledge levels to change attitudes and behaviors in a sophisticated environment? It is certain that the way of seduction, through careful communication, in whose approach of form, structure, and color, easily manipulates the presence of the word in a game of attraction and manipulation in the field such as information design. It is in the field of empathy that we witness a significant reduction in the reading of the contents and the understanding of the associated concepts. A clear approach to the world of abstract ideas and a certain egotism is demonstrated, at certain moments even with some aggressiveness, in whose lack of empathy no levels of generosity or collaboration are seen between the words spoken and the words that include said content.The broadening of the media and its general dispersal potentiates a varied manipulation of information and interests. However, the creation of empathy in the face of what is suggested and pronounced shows an artificiality in the way messages are associated with emotions, that is, they reveal themselves to be devoid of meaning.In this way, an approach is intended, reflecting the contemporary world, through the literacy of emotion in the context of verbal and non-verbal communication.In an effective communication process, we have emotions in our favor. And, in this context, we are faced with a set of tools with which nature has endowed us, in order to, create bonds of trust and thus achieve group harmony. Thus, considering the human evolutionary process, we find effective communication based on a message, whose origin is a common communication channel, a common language, and a genuine message, creating empathy in the receiver of the message, and provoking a reaction of complicity and connection to its content and context. If the message's origin has an emotional bond with the sender, it will certainly have a generous and collaborative impact on its receiver. On the contrary, a message whose emotion is reduced to thought, logic and strategy, aims to achieve in the receivers only information and a reaction of caution, selfishness and individualism, causing a social distancing from the group, enhancing the lack of empathy with the other.
Keywords: Communication, Emotion, Literacy, Empathy, Homeostasis.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003527
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