Holistic Design driven by the user experience for the renovation of industrial cultural heritage.
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Gaelle Pillault, Fátima Pombo
Abstract: To create livable cities, to guarantee the well-being of individuals and to promote social cohesion, it is necessary to adopt a more holistic approach to urban development. Designing public space by responding to the challenges and opportunities of constant change is an increasingly relevant area of study for design. Among urban planning tools, the reuse of buildings for a function for which they were not intended to is a strategy that has become unavoidable, particularly because of its social and environmental benefits. The process of reuse promotes urban regeneration, interaction and attachment to place, while simultaneously ensuring continuity between past, present and future. In the case of the reuse of industrial heritage buildings, the modes of preservation and enhancement are influenced by institutions such as UNESCO or TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) which aim to protect cultural heritage, but at the same time can lead to uniform results. However, to enhance public space and for communities to get involved into projects to transform their cities, it seems essential to address identity and local issues. In this framework, the holistic design approach - that involves a particular attention to context combined with the need for change - can enable the development of subtle and intelligent solutions that make cities more attractive. When we think of holistic design, we usually think of the human factor, a set of functions designed to facilitate and improve the life of the user.This article aims to contribute to the discussion about the role of the holistic design and user experience towards sustainable cultural heritage through the discussion of a particular study case: the FCCVA (Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro/Fábrica-Center of Living Science Center from Aveiro).
Keywords: Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003542
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