Measured architectures for the circularity of building

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Donatella Radogna

Abstract: Over the years, much has been said and written about the concept of minimum in architecture. Reflections such as those on microarchitectures, minimal architecture and minimal living have always referred to processes of "reduction" of architecture, conceiving the contraction of the dimensions of the buildings as directly proportional to the decrease in their value and the restriction of their functions. This article instead reports the results of a research activity, conducted in recent years, to focus on the "measured architecture" concept, recognizing in the measure a strategy to achieve great results that go far beyond the buildings dimensions. The goal is to identify and recognize the art of building the maximum with the minimum.With reference to the contemporary cultural mood, the ability of architecture to measure itself against the needs of saving materials, energy, soil and resources in general is recognized as the possibility of contributing to the ecological transition processes which call for conditions of balance between the natural and built environments for the human life quality.Starting from some considerations on the role of building within the limits of development, the first part of the article proposes some reflections on the measure as a just limit. Starting from the concept of reduction referring to architecture, which the adjectives micro, minimum, minimal and minor have expressed over the years, the concept of "measured architecture" is outlined, to stimulate understanding of the relationships that buildings should have with human beings (to guarantee optimal conditions of psycho-physical well-being) and nature (to allow the saving of materials, energy and soil and to reduce harmful emissions and scraps and waste production) to go beyond the limit. Thus the transition from an architecture that contains and expresses itself in a static way to an architecture that relates according to a dynamic nature is promoted.The second part of the article presents some results of design experiments that return some examples of how measured architecture can be expressed in the natural environments responsible use, in building and environmental recovery interventions, in the historic centers revitalization, in the public space redevelopment and, more generally, in urban regeneration processes.These results, which propose constructions made of low environmental impact materials and products and dry construction solutions, make explicit the role that measured architectures can have in the conversion of buildings towards circularity. The concept of measured, indeed, also refers to design solutions that minimize the amount of scraps and waste in the decommissioning or transformation phases of the designed volumes (for example in changes in uses). The concept of measure, includes both the use of materials and construction systems capable of ensuring reuse and recycling of technical elements and the definition of design solutions that envisage the future reusability of buildings above all through characteristics of adaptability and flexibility .This article proposes, through the measure of architecture in the recognition and management of the "limit", a strategy and a culture that can favor the development of a circular way of building.

Keywords: Sustainability, circular architecture, environmental safeguard, building reuse end trasnfromation

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003677

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