“Hand-Over, Move-Over, Take-Over” – HoMoTo as a Holistic Method to Analyze Take-Over Scenarios
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Miriam Schäffer, Philipp Pomiersky, Wolfram Remlinger
Abstract: Automated driving in Level 3 (SAE) allows the driver to temporarily devote his or her time to other activities (non-driving related activities, NDRA). If the system reaches its limits, take-overs back to Level 2 are mandatory. During the take-over phase, both the driver and the vehicle interior are in a state transition in order to regain a drivable condition. In Level 4, a complete and continuous devotion of the driver is possible and take-overs are not necessary by definition. Due to initial limited application areas, the use of Level 4 systems will initially also include take-overs. Then, the state transitions of driver and interior increase in complexity since a higher number and more variations of NDRAs are permitted. For the development and design of safe take-overs in automated vehicles, the prediction and assessment of the time required for these state transitions under different conditions, like NDRA and the associated body postures and interior adaption, is necessary. Currently, a procedure for describing and documenting the states and tasks of vehicle occupants and vehicle interior, and for the evaluation of positions and attitudes during the take-over does not exist. To close this gap, Schäffer et al. (2021) developed the method “Hand-Over, Move-Over, Take-Over” (HoMoTo). HoMoTo provides a description format of the driver's postures, movements, and cognitive states by dividing the take-over phase into subphases and subtasks. In this work, HoMoTo will be explained in detail with focus on the individual phases, steps, and influencing factors. Nevertheless, to obtain valid results further investigation of the procedure based on this work is necessary.
Keywords: Automated Driving, Take, Over, NDRA, Vehicle Interior, HoMoTo
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003810
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