High-speed train drivers’ operation performance: A focus group study with drivers and managers
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ziteng Wang, Yanyi Li, Yi Wang, Wei Zhang
Abstract: Although the rapid development of high-speed rail enhanced the national transportation and boosted the economic growth in China, it had great impacts on the behavior of high-speed train (HST) drivers. To stay safe, HST drivers may need to continuously keep alert for a few hours, detect potential hazards in time, make quick reactions, and strictly follow Standard Operating Procedures. The purpose of this study is to explore the potential influencing factors of HST drivers' operation performance and provide practical management implications. Six focus groups with 22 HST drivers and 18 front-line managers were conducted to collect qualitative information concerning drivers’ operation performance. The results were unfolded in two perspectives. From the individual level, high-performance drivers were more experienced, more likely to detect hazards in time, and performed better in emergency handling. They also tended to be in good health, had quality sleep and effective anti-fatigue measures. From the organizational level, crew scheduling factors played an important role in HST drivers’ operation performance. These factors include switch frequency of HST models, intermittent rest time and task duration.
Keywords: high, speed train, focus group, operation performance, driver management
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003826
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