Synthesizing Humans with the Planet: Regenerative Agriculture and its relevance and application to Industrial Design
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Braden Trauth
Abstract: Humans came from the earth and we have the ability to enhance or destroy its ecological processes. For approximately 10,000 years we have, in general, found ways to exploit the earth’s bounty while leaving degraded eco-systems. Sustainability, arguably, is about learning how to realign and co-create with the earth and its regenerative processes. Regenerative Agriculture is a pioneering example of this potential, learning from both traditional practices and ecological science. This paper/presentation introduces and explains concepts around Regenerative Agriculture (RA) and how it can be applied to the production of renewable materials for physical products. Products employing these materials can help humans synthesize with the planet and its productive processes while healing it and fulfilling human needs. It will explain RA’s principles, parameters, types, processes & applications and what materials are being produced currently that designers can integrate into their products to solve the Ecological Crisis. RA is pioneering new ways that humans can enhance the planet. A foundation for understanding RA, is how farmers are applying these processes for efficiency to ensure its success at providing both ecological services and low cost production of materials. This is critical for the success of Circular or Mutualistic Design when it comes to renewable materials. It will also explore how RA can play a significant role in reversing climate change, as these practices were identified as some of the lowest hanging fruit to decarbonize the atmosphere to pre-industrial levels in one generation as identified by Thus, integration of these materials into mass produced products can, if applied appropriately, accelerate climate decarbonization. This is a pioneering field that holds promise both ecologically and economically. It is estimated to be a $700 Billion industry in the coming decades. This paper/presentation will also identify products pioneering regenerative materials. Lastly, it will introduce several Regenerative Verification Programs, one that the Author co-created, that exist to help designers make wise choices in specifying materials that are contributing to Mutalistic future.
Keywords: Circular Design, Regenerative Agriculture, Regenerative Organic Certification
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002982
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