Self-Regulation Problem Solving for Sufficient Risk Reduction
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Alexander M. Yemelyanov, Alina A Yemelyanov
Abstract: This paper proposes the self-regulation model (SRM) for sufficient risk reduction, which is based on the self-regulation model of the thinking process developed within the systemic-structural activity theory. SRM includes two sub-models: formation of mental model and formation of the level of motivation, as well as the regulation of their interaction by using feedback and feedforward controls. Feedback control is regulated by the factor of difficulty, and feedforward control is regulated by the factor of significance. With instrumentally rational goal setting, where “reduce risk sufficiently” is an uncertain goal, self-regulation helps the individual apply their personal beliefs and experiences to find a sufficient solution to the problem. We demonstrate how SRM is implemented in ED2-CPR-Choice, a web application designed for people with serious illness to help them decide whether to attempt CPR.
Keywords: Self, regulation, risk reduction, uncertainty, reactive and proactive problem solving, decision making, satisficing, goal setting
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003001
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