Right visual field is advantageous in detecting different color: an implication for appropriate arrangement of digital graphics on a display
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Seiko Kawashima, Motoharu Takao, Senri Komiya, Mana Hattori
Abstract: Many studies have so far revealed that the visual field biases influence visual tasks. These biases should be taken into consideration to arrange an Excel worksheet, draw a CAD (computer-aided design) blueprint and other digital graphics effectively. In this study, we investigated visual field biases in identifying different and same color lines shown on a computer display. Twelve male and two female college students (21-22yrs.; mean age 21.2yrs.) were recruited to participate in the experiment. All were physically and mentally healthy and had visual acuity (including corrected visual acuity) that does not interfere with the task performance and vision that allows color perception. All participants were right-handed. Visual stimuli were displayed on a 17-inch CRT monitor. White circle on a quadrant (1000 ms) was followed by Test1 image (1500 ms), checker pattern image as a distractor (4100 ms) and Test 2 image (4000 ms). White circle showed the quadrant to which a participant must pay attention in order to discriminate different and same colored lines shown in Test 1 image and Test 2 image. Immediately after a participant press a correct response key, a correct answer was fed-back to a participant. The participants were instructed to detect different and same colored lines in the visual field and press a correct response key as quickly as possible. The results demonstrated that the participants could detect different colored lines faster than match of color in both upper- and lower-right visual fields have advantages (F (1,13) =28.814, p<0.000; F (1,13) =8.120, p<0.014, respectively). However, there was no change in identifying different and same colored line in both upper- and lower-left visual fields (F (1,13) =13.000, ns.; F (1,13) =13.000, ns., respectively). Rates of correct responses to different and same colored lines were almost same in these visual fields (upper-right, lower-right, upper- left, lower-left visual fields) (F (1,13) = 0.027, ns.; F (3,39) =0.073, ns, F (1,13) = 0.071, ns; F (1,13) =1.779, ns, respectively). These results showed the advantage in identifying difference in colored lines in right visual field compared with left. This finding implies that right side is appropriate to arrange a manuscript for proofreading, a calculating worksheet, a CAD blueprint and other digital graphics for modification.
Keywords: color, recognition, reaction time
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003022
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