The Importance of Well-Being for Organisational Culture
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yusuf Arslanparcasi
Abstract: The culture of an organisation is an abstraction that unfolds in social and organisational situations. Following Schein’s (1984) 3-level-model, organisational culture reflects the behaviour of all members of an organisation. However, an important concept in organisational culture research that is often neglected is well-being in the work context, which is often conceptualised in a hedonic and context-free way (Taris & Schaufeli, 2014). This paper argues that well-being allows the exploration of individual aspects of organisational culture and serves to capture an overall picture. To do so, a different approach to thinking about well-being in the work context is needed, based on an adaptation of Carol Ryff's (1989) Psychological Well-Being Model and Bakker and Demerouti's (2018) Job Demands-Resources Model as a theoretical framework. Such a holistic approach to researching organisational culture will allow to identify and explore interdependencies and interactions between individual aspects.
Keywords: Organisational Culture, Well, Being at Work, Well, Being in the Work Context, Eudaimonic Well, Being, Psychological Well, Being
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003084
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