Key Leadership Skills for Effective Project Delivery: Placing the Lens on Construction 4.0

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Matthew IkuabeClinton AigbavboaAyodeji OkeSamuel AdekunleSibusiso Khambule

Abstract: The revolutionary drive ushered in by the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is altering the traditional modes of delivering construction projects. This has influenced leadership skills which are portrayed as a fundamental tenet for the successful accomplishment of construction projects. Against this backdrop, this study evaluates the critical leadership skills necessary for effective project delivery in the era of 4IR. The study adopted a quantitative approach using data elicited from construction professionals, while the methods of data analysis were mean item score, standard deviation, and one-sample t-test. Findings from the study indicate that the most significant leadership skills aligning with 4IR for effective project delivery are creative and critical thinking, strategic problem-solving, and technological expertise. The outcome of this study contributes to the growing conversation of the digitalization of the construction industry as it fills the gap in knowledge of the requisite skills necessitated by leadership in the construction industry for optimum alignment with the digital revolution. Furthermore, it presents a solid theoretical base for future studies probing into leadership qualities required for improved construction project delivery.

Keywords: 4IR, Construction 4.0, Leadership, Skills, Project delivery

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003098

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