Digital Transformation, Servitization and Governmentality

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Pierpaolo Testa

Abstract: There is no doubt that the digital transformation is assuming some characteristic features: progressive digitization of the economy, increased relevance of digital platforms, progressive digitization of business models, disintermediation due to e-commerce, servitization of the value proposition and/or operating model, digital re-invention, spread of technoculture in consumer contexts, managerial automation due to algorithms and AI adoption, increased consumers’ brand experience, social engagement, big data analysis centrality, symbiotic value creation expectations at societal level.However, now very little is investigated the effect on governmentality (or the art of government) of these transformations. What role should the public system and actors play? In a first preliminary analysis it seems that this role could be confined but not limited to: 1. promoting a growing adoption of these transformations from all the economic system’s key players (firms, retailers, suppliers, technology vendors, Universities, research centers, consumers). 2. fostering networking for DT3. Financially supporting DT and disciplining it4. Protecting the SME promoting DT processes at an aggregate level (districts, supply chains, clusters, Regional Innovation Systems). 5. Digital transformation of public administration itself, permitting the same to evolve towards a systemic view of governmentality 6. Adoption of a digital service culture.The general aim of this article is to assess the main directions along which the digital transformation is affecting global economy, mainly under a twofold perspective. 1.A firm’s and managerial perspective, discussing the most relevant managerial topic emerging with the digital transformation and above listed. 2.A governmentality perspective, studying some calls launched by some of the most relevant European Countries (Italy, Germany, England, France) to investigate the main objectives and scopes of digital transformation under a public management eye. Primary and secondary sources of information will be integrated for achieve such a research purpose. The information borrowed from institutional calls will be integrated by media interpretations of the phenomenon under analysis. Reports on the digital transformation by leading consulting firms operating in the countries will be also analyzed.The contribution is conceptual and interpretive in nature.

Keywords: Digital Transformation, Servitization, Governmentality

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003111

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