Analysis of home hospice from a systemic design perspective
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yang Zhao, Wen Tang
Abstract: This paper reframes the hospice service system from a systemic design perspective and considers it as an extreme case of the wicked problem in the healthcare field. Through literature review, we first derive the feasibility of using systemic design thinking to analyze and intervene in hospice services from a theoretical level. Then, a multi-case comparative analysis was conducted to identify the commonalities in existing service system models. Next, we further explore the correspondence between these commonalities and system design features to confirm the presence of systemic design in hospice service systems. Also, the highlights and omissions of the existing cases are analyzed under the lens of systemic design, providing a reference for subsequent related research and system construction.
Keywords: home hospice, systemic design, service delivery, healthcare, wicked problem
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003138
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