The Use of Virtual Reality in Tourism Education: Systematic Review
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Fausto Zapatta, Catalina Astudillo-Rodriguez
Abstract: The present study reviewed primary studies that report the use of virtual reality in tourism education to identify the impact that the use of virtual reality has generated in the classroom. The applied methodology was the systematic literature review proposed by Kitchenham, which includes planning, review and reporting of results. As a result, 365 scientific articles were obtained, of which, after reviewing, we selected 52 papers. In these articles, it is evident that virtual reality is a tool that has positively impacted education, establishing through constructivism an adequate relationship of students with the knowledge, does not discriminate gender or age, which allows having a range of action at all educational levels, in terms of tourism facilitates approaching the area where the activity takes place from every context.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Tourism education, Experiential education, Systematic literature review
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003157
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