A controlled experiment using eye-tracking to evaluate the usability of the UDA-ERP system

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Catalina Astudillo-RodriguezEmilio GuzmanPatricia Margarita Ortega Chasi

Abstract: The size and complexity of ERP systems demand investigating the ease-of-use characteristics required by business users. Usability testing provides essential information to determine errors and specific problems within a software product. This paper presents the results of a usability experiment using non-invasive tools to collect eye-tracking data to analyse and understand human behaviour. A controlled experiment for usability tests was carried out with the aid of an eye-tracking device and the application of the System Usability Scale (SUS) survey. The experiment involved expert teachers in the accounting area and students who are about to complete their studies in accounting. The methodology applied was the experimental process proposed by Wohlin. This methodology includes five tasks: scope definition, planning, execution, data analysis and interpretation, and presentation and dissemination. The experiment was guided by the descriptions of the specific tasks to be completed by the participants. The eye-tracking device GP3 collected participants' eye-gaze data while executing the task. Finally, participants completed the System Usability Scale (SUS) survey. The results show the feasibility of using eye-tracking devices jointly with the SUS survey to identify usability problems related to the graphic interface in the UDA-ERP system. The results suggest that the UDA-ERP system usability is functional, and the usability experiment methodology used in this study provides a practical approach for evaluating future ERP systems' usability.

Keywords: Eye, tracking, Controlled experiment, UDA, ERP, Usability

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003209

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