Quality Function Deployment to combine with Service Design to optimize the English vocabulary learning app's usage experience
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Shuo-Fang Liu, An Yu Su, Yi Chieh Wu, Meng Hsuan Lee
Abstract: As mobile technology develops, more people are using their smartphones to learn English vocabulary, and smartphone apps can improve English vocabulary learning effectiveness. When evaluating how to use an app, the process and user experience are equally as crucial as the actual product. Research has also revealed that using applications is not straightforward and that the user interface is not sufficiently clear. Service design, which aims to generate creative service processes, is focused on interdepartmental teams developing procedures based on the needs of learners. Quality Function Deployment is an effective technique for transforming customer requests into product design specifications through a multi-level examination of the product. This study combines a User Journey Map with the Quality Function Deployment to more precisely identify and fix issues with the use of English vocabulary learning applications. The user's thoughts and feelings are expressed in a timeline through the visualization of the use process, user demands are assessed in a hierarchical manner, and important design aspects in the use process are recognized. This is a novel technique to meet fresh learning opportunities and offer fresh viewpoints on the interface's user flow.
Keywords: Quality Function Deployment、User Journey Map、Interface User Experience、English Learning
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1003215
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