Attention Training Products for Preschool Children using AHP-TOPSIS
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Tingmin Yan, Zihe Chen
Abstract: This study aimed to explore the design elements and their corresponding weights for attention training products for preschool children to enhance their effectiveness. A mixed-methods approach was used to investigate factors related to attention training in preschool children. An evaluation matrix for the design elements of attention training products was constructed for preschool children using an Analytic Hierarchy Process, and a weight analysis was conducted. The Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution was then utilized to obtain positive and negative ideal solutions for the three attention training product designs, and the best design was selected based on their relative closeness. The results revealed that genetic factors (C13), health level (C14), and family upbringing (C34) were important design elements for attention training products for preschool children. Among the three tested designs, the clip-on-ball toy was found to be the best solution. These findings provide valuable insights for the optimized design of attention training products for preschool children and practical application in the product development cycle's design and selection stages.
Keywords: preschool children, attention training, AHP, TOPSIS, product design
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004015
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