3D Prototype of an Interactive Adding Machine to Improve Basic Numerical Skills

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Boris AstudilloJonathan GonzálezJulio MoraCristian BastidasErick Vera

Abstract: 3D printing in industries like medicine and education has led to major improvements in designing, developing, and printing useful models, including body prostheses and educational toys. The 3D printer's commercialization has risen thanks to more manufacturers, models, and reasonably priced equipment. As a result, prototypes and gadget creation have merged cutting-edge design techniques like gamification and electronic components, allowing accessibility and interactive and enjoyable devices. This paper describes the design, production, implementation, operation, codification, and printing of a 3D prototype of an interactive adding machine to improve basic numerical skills and help children and others with cognitive disabilities learn easier or lessen distractions. The prototype and all the necessary documentation are available for anyone to replicate. The paper also discusses difficulties encountered during the design process and proposes future improvements for the next version.

Keywords: 3D printing, gamification, usability, interactive game

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004018

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