Instinctive Intelligence: Our Next AI

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Shuichi Fukuda

Abstract: Today, our world changes drastically. Yesterday, changes were smooth, so we could differentiate and predict the future. Today, they are sharp. So,we cannot predict the future. And our world was closed with boudnary yesterday, but todayour world becomes open. Thus, yesterday, we could control. Today, datasets become not only complex, but complicated. And materials are getting soft with the progress of material engineering. When things were hard, we could understand what it is and how we should handle it with our eyes alone. But today, we need to interact with them directly. To cope with such drastically changing real world, we need to coordinate all parts of our body. Thus “coordination” is increasing its imortance. Brain is getting wide attention. But most of these studies focus on digital processing. But drastically changing real world needs not only digital processing, but analog procesing, too. Take medical diagnosis for example. Doctors observe blood flow using MRI. Blood is analog. And even after brain death, heart circulates blood around body. And while blood is circulating, we can transplant body parts. In AI, heart is rarely talked about. But heart is deeply associated with emotion. Our need is material-centric at early stage, but with time it shifts to mental and finally to “self-actualization”. We want to demonstrate how capable we are as “self”. Humans can think about the future. Animals live for now. But humans live for tomorrow. This contributed greatly to the development of humans. Many species became extinct because they were not diversified enough. We should realize the big role of instinct. In material-based world, objective and quantitative evalution was important. But to satisfy our emotional expectations, we need to evaluate things subjectively and qualitatively. We need to make decisions what actions we should take by trial and error. AI has been regarded as a man-made tool, and nature has nothing to do with it. But this is a big mistake. Humans are part of nature. The etymology of artifical is related with art. It is associated with “creation”. But who creates? It is us, human and human is part of nature. Babies learn to scrall and walk by themselves. They learn using their instinct alone. So, if we can make the most of our instinct, we can create experience and adapt to the drastically changing world. And “emotion” and “motivation” come from the same Latin word “movere”, i.e. movement. We perceive the environment and situation and we became situationally aware and motivated. And we make decisions what actions to take. If it satisfies our emotional expectation, then it is fine. It not, we repeate the process until we are satisfied. Thus, AI in the next step will be Instinctive Intelligence.

Keywords: Changing Real World, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Making, Digital, Analog, Emotion, Instinct

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004029

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