The learning curve and benefit of artificial intelligence for the built environment

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Xolile MashwamaSiyabulela DywiliGift PhaladiClinton Aigbavboa

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has the power to unlock the challenges faced in construction projects such as poor efficiency issues, design errors, and accidents on-site. Therefore, this paper is aimed to evaluate the benefit of implementing AI on South African construction projects. The quantitative approach was adopted for this study. Well-structured questionnaire surveys were disseminated to built environment stakeholders such as quantity surveyors, project managers, construction project managers, contractors and architects. A total of 260 questionnaire surveys were distributed and 223 were received back with an 86% response rate. The findings revealed the learning curve benefit of AI is improved quality of work post-construction, reduces budget overruns, saves time, overcomes shortages of experienced labors, improves performance on construction work, improves the health and safety of the construction projects, elicits faster information exchange, improves productivity, reduces construction risks such as on-site accidents, reduces construction errors, improves customer relations, improves profitability and saves cost. However, the study has indicated that the implementation of AI technology in the built Environment in South Africa is still at an early development stage. The study would hopefully contribute to the body of existing knowledge of AI technology. In Addition, it could assist construction industry professionals to advance their workplaces and organizations.

Keywords: Artificial intelligency, construction, learning curve, built environment

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004031

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