Study on How New Technologies Have Been Used to Tackle Mobility Issues in Smart Cities
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Gabriel Caumo Vaz, Yuzo Iano, Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira, Euclides Lourenço Chuma, Wandercleiton Da Silva Cardoso, Alessandra Cristina Santos Akkari
Abstract: Statistics show that the fertility rate has decreased during the last decades, but life expectancy has more than doubled during the last century. It indicates that there is a trend of more and more working-aged people traveling in the cities. It becomes more problematic when we look at the study of the United Nations which estimates that 55% of the world's population lives in urban areas and projects a proportion of 70% by 2050. This is a problem because most cities have not been planned to bear flows of people of this magnitude, and this is the root cause of most mobility issues that people face every day over the world. On the other hand, technological evolution has been outstanding in the last few years, and smart cities can make use of this advancement, especially to improve urban mobility. Examples of technologies that have been adopted in this field are the Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Information Systems, and Intelligent Transportation Systems. This work aims to highlight the importance of all these tools in the application scenario of smart cities and, with this aim, brings an overview of each of them and a bibliographic review that shows how they are being currently discussed and adopted.
Keywords: Big Data, Deep Learning, IA, ITS, ISS, IoT, Big Data, 5g and Smart City.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004130
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