Applying Human Factors Principles and Analyses to Design an Instructional Display for Dynamic Breathing Threat Training
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Beth Atkinson, Emily Anania, Mitchell Tindall, Ryan Wohleber, Daniel Barber, Alicia Jordan, Jamie Lewis, Tyler Welden
Abstract: As the U.S. Navy seeks to provide more comprehensive dynamic altitude breathing threats training, there is an opportunity to advance the instructional technology. Through human factors analyses, a user centered approach to display solutions was implemented. First, a critical review of the data relevant to this training informed designs for both real-time and after action review displays. Human factors professionals then conducted internal workshops to discuss display features and configurations that would increase instructor efficiency and effectiveness. Based on these requirements and design specification activities, a functional mock-up was engineered and integrated into a training simulator and data were collected as narratives from a larger training effectiveness evaluation to inform iterative design and development. Additionally, a small cohort of instructors provided heuristic-based feedback. These evaluation activities highlighted several advantages of using these displays over previous technology, and provided recommendations to system design updates that would increase display consistency and user efficiency.
Keywords: Human Centered Design, Instructional Display, User Interface Design, Training, Data Visualization Displays
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004215
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