Carbon Footprint Interaction Through Slow Design Computing and Visual Design

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yi-Sin WuChun-Yen Chenand Teng-Wen Chang

Abstract: Our motivation is to apply the principles of Slow Design to the research on calculating carbon footprints, specifically by creating more “conscious” and “visible” interactive ways to inspire users to actively engage in the formation of their carbon footprint and gain more positive experiences from it. With the United Nations promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is an increasing number of carbon footprint calculation applications available. However, users need to accumulate long-term usage to provide estimates of their impact on both personal and environmental aspects and further receive recommendations for sustainable living. In the book "User Friendly," Kuang and Fabricant (2020) reveal that climate change can be a feedback problem. They state, "We don't know how much carbon we emit daily, and the target timelines are set too far in the future, making the effects invisible. Imagine if the effects of carbon emissions were exactly the same as they are now, but the accumulation of carbon turned blue into green. In such a world, it's hard to believe that anyone would still talk about whether human activities have any impact on the climate...." Therefore, we hope to leverage Slow Design to foster an emotional connection to this interactive behavior, enhance the cognitive model of actions, and bring about sustainable benefits. To achieve the application of Slow Design principles in the research on calculating carbon footprints, we employ creative ideation and design research methods, including (1) studying relevant literature and cases, (2) interacting with potential users and conducting interviews, (3) creating and testing low-fidelity prototypes, and discussing recommendations and strategies for carbon footprint calculation. These research findings can serve as references for future studies on Sustainable Development Goals.■ Slow Design and Carbon FootprintWe apply the principles of Slow Design to the research on calculating carbon footprints. Slow Design is a design philosophy inspired by the Slow Living movement in 1986, advocating for slowing down the pace of life and countering the fast-paced lifestyle and culture of mass consumption. It contrasts with the culture of fast consumption and immediate gratification, emphasizing sustainability and respecting human needs and the environment. Slow Design focuses on quality, details, and experiences to provide more meaningful and sustainable design solutions. On the other hand, Slow Design Computing is a concept that combines the principles of Slow Design with computer science. It adopts the values and principles of Slow Design and applies them to the field of computer science and digital technology.■ Calculation and Case EvaluationThe carbon footprint calculation method is a way to assess the greenhouse gas emissions produced by an individual, household, organization, or product. These emissions are typically expressed in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). The methods for calculating carbon footprints can vary depending on the subject of calculation and the data used. Relevant literature (Batmunkh, 2022) and accounting software and platforms available on the market, such as MOZE 3.0 (2021), can be utilized for this purpose.■ References[1]C. Kuang and R. Fabricant, User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design Are Changing the Way We Live, Work, and Play. USA: Picador, 2020.[2]L. MOZE Co., "MOZE 3.0," ed. Taiwan, 2021.[3]A. Batmunkh, "Carbon Footprint of The Most Popular Social Media Platforms," Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 2195, 2022, doi: 10.3390/su14042195.

Keywords: Carbon Footprint, Slow Design Computing, Visual Design, Human-Computer Interaction

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004263

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