Accessibility Roadmap for Tertiary Institutions

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Gian Wild

Abstract: Higher education institutions have unique web accessibility requirements. These institutions consist of every different type of research, along with teaching, marketing and e-commerce requirements, like promoting courses, collecting fees and providing course materials. They also have very specific accessibility requirements, often with teeny-tiny budgets! However, as different as these institutions are from other organizations, the more similar they are to one another. In over two decades of working with tertiary institutions, Gian Wild has developed a roadmap that is applicable to all different types of tertiary institutions, and that can take them from knowing nothing about accessibility to incorporating accessibility into every aspect of operations.This roadmap consists of five phases:- Quick wins, incorporating issues such as building an accessibility committee, developing a Disability Reference Group and Accessibility Champion, funding Disability Services, developing accessibility resources and capturing accessibility complaints.- Develop an Accessibility Plan, consisting of writing an Accessibility Statement, developing an Action Plan, updating Policies and Procedures and communicating with staff- Ensure web sites and applications meet accessibility requirements, including ensuring all future client web sites are accessible, creating an inventory of ICT, identifying applicable web sites, conducting testing, contacting vendors and undertaking fixes- Develop accessibility knowledge within the institution, such as providing training for web staff, faculty and Disability Services- Promote accessibility compliance, by conducting accessibility sessions, developing accessibility case studies and providing incentives and publicity for staff

Keywords: accessibility, tertiary education, higher education, college, university, accessibility action plan, WCAG, Section 508, disability

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004277

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