Body Movement Support System for Prevent Disability and Promote Progress
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Wataru Sato, Aoi Yamamoto, Sayuri Kumagai, Yasuyuki Yoshida, Koki Ijuin, Chiaki Oshiyama, Tsutomu Fujinami, Takuichi Nishimura
Abstract: For knowledge transmission, it is important to construct structured knowledge that clearly describes the knowledge. The purpose of this study is to propose a method of structuring instructional knowledge through the approach of conveying ideal body movements, and to develop a system using the knowledge. To achieve the purpose, we structured the knowledge of ideal motions through interviews and constructed computer-readable instructional knowledge. Then, we created a transmission system to utilize the knowledge and instruct the motions, and a veteran instructor confirmed the feedback from the system. From the results, we found that knowledge structured by interviews can be computer readable and incorporated into the system. The results also showed that new knowledge can be extracted by using the proposed method. The results suggested that the proposed method can clarify the instructor's knowledge and share instructional techniques with others.
Keywords: Knowledge Structuring, Instructional Knowledge, Physical Movement, Knowledge Transfer
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004354
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