Development of an ontology that connects clinical psychology knowledge and Top Ontology

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Chiaki OshiyamaTakuichi Nishimura

Abstract: In clinical psychology, various techniques are used to improve the mental state of subjects..In clinical psychology, there are areas for each technique, and problem-solving cases have been reported for each area. There are various approaches to solving the same problem. Some of these elements are common and some are different. However, because they have been reported separately, knowledge sharing beyond each domain has not been carried out. In recent years, ontologies related to clinical psychology have been developed. Clinical medicine ontology CONAND (Clinical Ontology in Anatomaical Structure and Disease) and The Behavior Change Intervention Ontology (BCIO) are ontologies related to medicine and behavioral change. These are very useful for searching clinical medicine and methods for behavior modification. However, it is not possible to retrieve the specific contents of actual problem solving in clinical psychology. In order to solve these problems, it is first necessary to extract knowledge from clinical psychology cases and clarify their relationships. So far, we have extracted and structured knowledge from several case studies and the practice of one psychotherapy technique, and by conducting workshops based on this knowledge, we have elaborated the structured knowledge and formalized tacit knowledge that can be verbalized. I have made knowledge and arranged it in the structure. By structuring the knowledge and actions taken to solve the problem in a goal-oriented manner, we clarified the relationship between the procedure to achieve the goal and the practice action to clear each stage. Through these activities, clinical psychologists were able to realize the meaning of actions in the activities and practice methods that they had unconsciously performed so far, and to acquire metacognition in practice. Next, we extracted important words from this knowledge and created an ontology based on them. By having this ontology scrutinized, we would like to connect it to existing ontologies related to clinical psychology, such as CONAND and BCIO. Our ultimate goal is to make it possible to retrieve structured knowledge that visualizes how problems were solved in cases from the system. There are various techniques in clinical psychology. At present, it largely depends on the ability and intuition of clinical psychologists to determine which technique is better for solving the problem. In the future, we would like to develop AI that can propose more appropriate methods by incorporating various information into this system.

Keywords: Clinical psychology, Knowledge structuring, Solving the problem, System to visualize

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004377

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