Manufacturing Cell Working in a Cyber-Physical Environment Powered by a Microgrid System
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Hector Rafael Morano-okuno, Donovan Esqueda Merino, Emmanuel Garcia-moran, Luis Villagomez-guerrero
Abstract: In recent years, automated manufacturing systems have increased, new technologies such as the Internet of Things have emerged, and computer systems need to be more robust.This work shares the experiences obtained using a manufacturing cell that works in a cyber-physical environment powered by a micro grid system. The components that create the cyber-physical system and how they interact are mentioned. Some equipment used are CNC machines, industrial robots, conveyors, an automatic storage and retrieval system, and a plc.Throughout the article, the methodology used to analyze user opinions is shown. Subsequently, suggestions are included so that these systems can be replicated or implemented in other institutions.The conclusions mention the advantages and disadvantages presented during the use of this type of automated manufacturing system. Finally, recommendations are given for future work.
Keywords: Manufacturing cell, Cyber-physical systems, Micro grid systems, Educational Innovation
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004422
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