Statistical assessment of physico-chemical pollution of Sebou river in Mechraa Bel Ksiri, Morocco
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Conference Proceedings
Authors: Fariri Khalid, Hraira Thami, Ettaki Jalal, Doumi Khalid, Maaroufi Manal, Belghyti Driss, Ghizlane Ztit, Khadija El Kharrim
Abstract: The pollution of groundwater and surfaces is a major problem around the world. In Morocco due to population growth, industrial, agricultural and climate change the country is currently experiencing water stress (less than 1000 m3 / inhabitant / year) and is expected to experience a water shortage in 2025 (less than 500 m3 / inhabitant / year). In addition, according to the WHO, around 30,000 people per day, approximately 10 million per year, die due to insufficient or poor qualities water supply and deplorable hygienic conditions (WHO, 1977).The Sebou basin is located in the western region of Morocco, which is a very important agricultural area and therefore experiences high pollution. The aim of this study is to carry out an updated survey on the pollution of the Sebou by Urban, Agricultural and Industrial activities. To achieve this objective, several series of samples of the Sebou waters and their physicochemical analyses were carried out (pH, Ca++, Na+, Mg++, Cl-, SO4--, NO3-, BOD5, COD ...).To verify the hypothesis of pollution of the Sebou river by domestic and industrial wastewater and by its tributaries, we compared its physico-chemistry with those of the two main rivers, namely the Oued Beht and the Oued Ouergha. The results show that Oued Sebou is very loaded with salts (10581 µs / cm or 11g / L). On the other hand, the waters of Oued Beht are less polluted by nitrates (14.34 mg / L) and sulphates (51.51 mg / L) but more loaded with Potassium (55.87 mg / L) and Magnesium (107.62 mg / L). Finally, the waters of Oued Ouergha are even cleaner than other rivers.
Keywords: River, Sebou, Pollution, Physico-chemistry, Mechraa Bel Ksiri, Morocco.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004495
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