Integrated Eye-Tracking and EEG Data Collection and Synchronization for Virtual Reality-Based Spatial Ability Assessments
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Faezeh Salehi, Moein Razavi, Mason Smith, Manish Dixit
Abstract: In the realm of virtual reality (VR) research, the synergy of methodological advancements, technical innovation, and novel applications is paramount. Our work encapsulates these facets in the context of spatial ability assessments conducted within a VR environment. This paper presents a comprehensive and integrated framework of VR, eye-tracking, and electroencephalography (EEG), which seamlessly combines measuring participants’ behavioral performance and simultaneously collecting time-stamped eye tracking and EEG data to enable understanding how spatial ability is impacted in certain conditions and if such conditions demand increased attention and mental allocation. This framework encompasses the measurement of participants’ gaze pattern (e.g., fixation and saccades), EEG data (e.g., Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Theta wave patterns), and psychometric and behavioral test performance. On the technical front, we utilized the Unity 3D game engine as the core for running our spatial ability tasks by simulating altered conditions of space exploration. We simulated two types of space exploration conditions: (1) microgravity condition in which participants’ idiotropic (body) axis is in statically and dynamically misaligned with their visual axis; and (2) conditions of Martian terrain that offers a visual frame of reference (FOR) but with limited and unfamiliar landmarks objects. We specifically targeted assessing human spatial ability and spatial perception. To assess spatial ability, we digitalized behavioral tests of Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Rotations (PSVT: R), the Mental Cutting Test (MCT), and the Perspective Taking Ability (PTA) test and integrated them into the VR settings to evaluate participants’ spatial visualization, spatial relations, and spatial orientation ability, respectively. For spatial perception, we applied digitalized versions of size and distance perception tests to measure participants’ subjective perception of size and distance. A suite of C# scripts orchestrated the VR experience, enabling real-time data collection and synchronization. This technical innovation includes the integration of data streams from diverse sources, such as VIVE controllers, eye-tracking devices, and EEG hardware, to ensure a cohesive and comprehensive dataset. A pivotal challenge in our research was synchronizing data from EEG, eye tracking, and VR tasks to facilitate comprehensive analysis. To address this challenge, we employed the Unity interface of the OpenSync library, a tool designed to unify disparate data sources in the fields of psychology and neuroscience. This approach ensures that all collected measures share a common time reference, enabling meaningful analysis of participant performance, gaze behavior, and EEG activity. The Unity-based system seamlessly incorporates task parameters, participant data, and VIVE controller inputs, providing a versatile platform for conducting assessments in diverse domains. Finally, we were able to collect synchronized measurements of participants’ scores on the behavioral tests of spatial ability and spatial perception, their gaze data and EEG data. In this paper, we present the whole process of combining the eye-tracking and EEG workflows into the VR settings and collecting relevant measurements. We believe that our work not only advances the state-of-the-art in spatial ability assessments but also underscores the potential of virtual reality as a versatile tool in cognitive research, therapy, and rehabilitation.
Keywords: Spatial ability, Spatial cognition, Virtual Reality, Eye-tracking, Gaze pattern, Electroencephalography (EEG)
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004499
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