Evolution in videogame graphics: an approach between reality approach and user perspective
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Monica Daniela Gomez Rios, Kerlly Araujo, Felipe Castro, Miguel Angel Quiroz Martinez
Abstract: Technological progress in the video game industry has become increasingly visible at the time of consuming games, these tend to try to be more realistic either by the ambition of the developers or by request of the community of each video game; this approach to reality can be in various forms, the main one that we study in this work is in the graphic section, in-game mechanics, history and interaction with the game. Based on the existing intrigue of how video games today can be indistinguishable from life itself in their technical and graphical section, as well as being able to create emotional, immersive, and exciting stories; in this article, we analyze how these games can approach reality through everything they can offer us, analyzing the technologies that are currently used to make this possible and how we as users can perceive it as accurate. We use an analytical-descriptive methodology, using Scopus, IEEE, IGN, Google Scholar, and WoS databases. Thus, the purpose of this study is to review how video games increasingly come to resemble reality both in the technical/graphic section and in how users perceive that approach through the coherent narrative of the game. The results of this article show how the graphics engine has perfected the details such as particles, photo illumination, and environments; while artificial intelligence works with great support and improvement for greater power in the frames in addition to helping to refine the hyperrealism achieved by the graphics engine; for its part also the analysis of the behaviour of players when interacting with video games and that these transmit that immersive and authentic feeling at the time of consuming them. Concluding that the technologies of the games have had a significant advance in their graphical sections that now to see a scanned photo of nature is very complicated to differentiate it from an actual photo of some landscape.
Keywords: Graphical advance, immersion, approach to reality, artificial intelligence, graphics engines.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004535
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