Flight Simulation In Geography Teaching: Experience Reports In Two Scenarios

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Christiano Bittencourt Machado

Abstract: There is an increasingly innovative range of resources in education, seeking to create a motivating environment for learning. The aim of this work was to present experience reports on the use of a flight simulator in Brazilian and biblical geography classes in an elementary school and a reformed Christian theology church, respectively. Microsoft® Flight Simulator was used for this purpose. Two educational scenarios are presented here: (1) teaching of geographical aspects of Brazil for 10-years old students; and (2) teaching of biblical aspects for 8 to 10-years old children from a reformed Christian theology church. The classroom was prepared to simulate an internal airplane environment. First, in the elementary school scenario, students could learn about Rio de Janeiro, Niterói (school city), the Amazon rainforest, Brasília (Brazilian capital), Pantanal and the southern region of the country. On the other hand, in the church scenario, children were able to have a bigger picture about Egypt, Sinai desert, Dead Sea, Jordan river, the Sea of Galilee, and other important biblical sites in Palestine, providing a rich opportunity to learn the main stories of the Old and New Testaments. Children approved the use of technology to assimilate the content, and further projects are intended to present this application for adults.

Keywords: Geography, educational technologies, flight simulation, human-centered design.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004561

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