Virtual Reality (VR) and Simulated Air Traffic Control Environment (SATCE) in flight training: The Purdue Case study
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Dimitrios Ziakkas, Gede Bagus Michael Kim, Dimitra - Eirini Synodinou
Abstract: Adaptive learning capabilities based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide learners with a personalized learning path. It is a capability that customizes the trainee’s learning experience to their identified learning style and preference while providing the quickest route through the pilot training program. To accomplish this, every training program should be integrated to provide context and relevance and improve performance by generating insights on the performance of learners or cohorts and the efficacy of associated content. The aviation industry seeks novel methods for pilot training that are more efficient. Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) is a method that proposes an assessment process that helps understand how a flight crew may be able to manage both foreseen and unforeseen incidents and uses this data to help the crew achieve a higher level of efficiency.With a centralized data capture process centered on the pilot’s information, a pilot profile can be created to provide personalized training and advanced insight into the pilot’s learning experience. New technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) training combined with biometric data like eye-tracking and facial tracking can be a powerful platform to obtain the required data. Describing the communication competency from a training perspective, an AI – VR training environment (Simulated Air Traffic Control Environment - SATCE) would allow the pilots to improve their communication skills, enable pilots to ask questions with a specifically trained Generative Pre-Trained (GPT) model, and receive a validated answer. The Purdue case study focuses on the cognitive aspects of flight training using emerging technologies. This research aims to improve training effectiveness by incorporating immersive technologies in aviation training. Dynamic real-time visualization, automatic human profile assessment, and training system adaption technologies can potentially improve flight training’s overall efficacy and efficiency. This digitization process includes various immersive virtual technologies and synthetic learning environments. By using these technologies, all persons participating in flight training will obtain a complete insight into the participants’ performance cognitive limitations, ultimately optimizing the training lifecycle.
Keywords: Virtual Reality (VR), Simulated Air Traffic Control Environment (SATCE), Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA), Simulation, Immersive Technologies
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004565
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