A PBL experience: Joining Human-Computer Interaction and Mobile programming

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Álvaro SantosAnabela Gomes

Abstract: This paper presents a project-based learning approach based on the combination of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Mobile Programming. This approach aims to develop and implement a graphical user interface and respective interaction of an application. The project was implemented in the HCI and Mobile Programming courses located in the 2nd and 3rd years of an Informatics Engineering Degree at a Portuguese Higher Institution. The objectives of this project were to specify, prototype, and implement an interactive system containing the following topics: (i) user and task analysis, (ii) problem-solving, and (iii) Gamified activity in a Problem-Solving Scenario where students must identify user needs and design tasks to address those needs were done. This proposal could be embodied in the form of a theoretical study or practical implementation on a form of connection with hardware that allows an alternative or innovative form of communication/interaction. In the presented study, the students went through four distinct phases: Ideation, User and Task Analysis, Prototyping, and Exploring New Forms of Interaction. In summary, the teacher expressed dissatisfaction with the students' work. Many tasks were completed last minute, and collaboration within groups was lacking. The students showed irresponsibility in their work distribution. The proposals lacked reflection and research on technical aspects, which is expected in engineering. Students demonstrated low curiosity about new technologies and proposed uncreative solutions. Students were also disappointed with their grades, and they preferred more closed and focused problems over open-ended ones.

Keywords: Project-based learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Mobile programming

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004580

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