How can physical studio space integrate and support speculative AI design experimentation and visualization workflows?
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Silvia Albano, Deborah A Middleton, Gianmarco Longo
Abstract: Artificial intelligence is anticipated to reduce design project development times, enhance our understanding of user experience, and be instrumental in stimulating radical socio-technological changes for the second half of the 21st century. The aim of this paper is to propose typologies of physical workspaces to improve the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in design practice. This paper examines how physical workspaces were used to support designers engaging in variable creative workflow that integrates generative AI. The research critically investigates and analyzes how physical and virtual spaces (studio working spaces and virtual platforms) were used to generate a functional environment in which create speculative phenomenal experiences through AI visualizations (Vizcom and Midjourney). The space configurations, during a series of pre-structured activities, are seen to better support the designers’ productivity and increase social collaboration and interaction through the arrangement of a range of interior spaces.
Keywords: Space configuration, Artificial Intelligence, user experience, workflow, visualization, speculative design
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004582
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