Digital transformations and their impact on the economy, public relations and quality of life

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Valentina MilenkovaAlbena NakovaEmilia ChengelovaKaramfil Manolov

Abstract: This paper traces the digital transformation occurring as a result of the application of computer information and communication technologies. Digital transformation is the digitization of the economy, complete change of the organization's structure, its relationships with the environment in which it operates, and the products and services it creates. Digitalization and related transformative processes lead to the creation of pervasive connectivity between people and institutions, diversification of activities, resources and data in the online space and parallel work in the digital and real worlds. The main goals of the paper are to show that the digital transformations enter all areas of the economy, social life, civil society, which also changes people's quality of life. Digital transformations enable people, businesses and governments to operate efficiently and at lower costs. This creates a huge potential for a large number of enterprises, banks, telecommunications companies, companies providing payment services; start-ups; retailers, as well as institutions in the fields of education, culture, healthcare, politics, etc. Today, even the smallest organization has the opportunity to function as a global one, carrying out cross-border activity in some form. The digital networks that connect everything and everyone span ever larger spaces, so companies, communities and individuals are challenged to rethink what it means to function globally connected. Digital networks are important for the development and promotion of business and communication both at work and in leisure. Therefore, their management is time-consuming and requires both technical and marketing knowledge.The analysis in this article was made within the framework of the project "Quality of Life and well-being in the context of professional communities and their activity" КП-06-ПН80/12, funded by the National Science Fund. The research work is theoretically based on already conducted empirical surveys that track the digital skills of employees in different economic sectors and professions. Five professional communities are studied - teachers; computer specialists and programmers; researchers and university lecturers; technical staff; people employed in trade and services. On the basis of nationally representative surveys for the respective professions, the level of basic and specific digital skills possessed by employees in these professions and the level that the current development of information and communication technologies and the needs of the respective profession require as necessary for the performance of professional activities were identified. On this basis, the need for up-skilling training and the importance of the company's training offerings for enhancing employees' digital skills is highlighted. The role of enhancing employees' digital skills in improving their quality of life is outlined in terms of creating better opportunities for professional and career development, higher incomes and achieving a better balance between work and leisure and work and family life. The article also traces the risks and prospects that digitization creates and that the economy and society face. The main conclusion is that digital technologies contribute to improving the quality of life, as well as to a more economical and efficient use of available resources.

Keywords: digitalization, digital technologies, quality of life, professional communities, digital networks

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004665

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