IoT-based Vertical Farming Systems

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Javed Anjum SheikhAsia MumtazSaba Farzeen

Abstract: Vertical farming, a revolutionary approach to agricultural production, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to address various challenges facing traditional farming practices. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of IoT-based Vertical Farming systems, exploring their hardware design, implementation strategies, testing methodologies, and prospects.The hardware design of IoT-based Vertical Farming systems encompasses a range of components essential for creating optimal growing environments. Soil moisture sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, light-dependent resistors (LDRs), and ESP32 Wi-Fi modules are among the key elements utilized in these systems. Soil moisture sensors enable precise irrigation management by measuring water content in the soil, while temperature and humidity sensors provide insights into environmental conditions. LDRs detect light levels, facilitating optimal lighting control, and ESP32 Wi-Fi modules enable wireless communication for remote monitoring and control.Implementation strategies for IoT-based Vertical Farming systems involve hardware setup, software development, and integration with existing infrastructure. Sensor nodes distributed throughout the farming environment are connected to a central control unit via Wi-Fi or other communication protocols. Software interfaces and applications are developed to provide users with real-time monitoring and control capabilities, allowing them to adjust environmental parameters as needed.Effective testing methodologies are crucial for ensuring the reliability, functionality, and security of IoT-based Vertical Farming systems. Black box testing focuses on external functionality, such as user interface interactions and sensor responses, while white box testing examines internal system components and code logic. Grey box testing combines elements of both black and white box testing, with a focus on limited knowledge and system behavior.The future prospects of IoT-based Vertical Farming are promising, with opportunities for innovation and advancement. Research and development efforts are needed to enhance system scalability, energy efficiency, and data analytics capabilities. Integration with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms can enable predictive analytics and autonomous decision-making, optimizing crop production and resource utilization. Expanding the application of vertical farming to diverse environments, including urban areas and arid regions, can address global food security challenges and promote sustainable agriculture practices.In conclusion, IoT-based Vertical Farming represents a transformative approach to agriculture, offering scalable and sustainable solutions to meet the growing demand for food production. Continued research, development, and adoption of these systems have the potential to revolutionize the agricultural industry and contribute to a more food-secure and environmentally sustainable future.

Keywords: IoT Farming Agriculture

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004708

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