Experimental Paradigms and Their Knowledge Associations in Studies of Information Processing: A Review
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lan Zhang, Xiaoli Wu, Biao Yan, Qian Li, Xingcan Yang
Abstract: Experimentation is the foundation of empirical science and is an important research method of mental cognition. The experimental paradigm, as an important part of experimental research method, is a relatively fixed task program, which is mainly used to describe certain psychological phenomena clearly and accurately. However, the application of experimental paradigms is characterized by mixed task content and complex paradigm type. This paper reviews typical experimental paradigms which are used to study information-processing such as perception, attention, working memory and long-term memory, in terms of paradigm origins, task procedures, research results and development. Based on the review of various experimental paradigms, the knowledge relevance between them are further sorted out in the aspect of task procedure characteristics and research trend. It provides reference for the application and design of experimental paradigms in studies of information processing.
Keywords: experimental paradigms, information processing, knowledge associations, program features
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004757
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