On the Theory of Regulating Educational and Professional Activity

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Oleksiy ChebykinMarianna SkoromnaInna Bedny

Abstract: This paper is based on the experimental studies that demonstrate that motivational and target-oriented component are important in the structure of educational and emotional regulation of professional activity.It is known that the external motive of activity does not fully correspond to the cognitive process. This motive is mainly aimed at the final result, that is, the desire to avoid a bad assessment or desire for approval. Therefore, the emotions accompanying it, in this case, reflect the degree of relationship in the form of success or failure in the implementation of the chosen actions. A more complex structure has intrinsic motivation, which coincides with the target of educational and professional activity. The most generalized forms of manifestation of such activity are success or failure. The latter performs the function of a signaling device about the adequacy or inadequacy of intermediate performance results. Emotions are selective in nature, since they are associated with the intermediate results of the activity and are related to the achievement of its final product. They act in the form of a given product of activity, where the impulse arises from the qualitative and procedural motivation of the subject of activity, as a developing system. As we can see, there is a variety of targets that specify the development of the motive. At the same time, the emerging emotions are aimed not only at intermediate results, but also at significant connections and internal patterns of the subject content of cognitive activity. Based on the above-said and other data, the model of the mechanisms of emotional regulation of educational and professional activity can be represented by three phases. In the first phase, emotions reflect the ratio of external motives in the form of success or failure in the implementation of stereotypical action patterns. The nature of emotional manifestations is fixed, as a rule, in pleasure or not pleasure. At the same time, the mechanisms of emotional consolidation or emotional motivation for the target function. In the second phase, emotions reflect the relationship between internal motives and the final result or product. The states of success and failure that arise in this case, in contrast to satisfaction, perform the function of internal assessments of the adequacy-inadequacy of achieving intermediate results of the target. A specific mechanism of emotional regulation is the induction function, which manifests itself in confidence or doubt. In the third phase, emotional regulation characterizes the relationship between internal motives, against the background of a qualitatively developing subject content of educational and professional activity. All this allows here to apply the mechanisms of emotional regulation in the form of inductions or emotional evaluation of the result. The described functions in the conditions of real emotional regulation of educational and professional activity can be expanded: give incentive, activating, reinforcing, etc. at the first stage; reflective, selective, etc. at the second and heuristic, coordinating, and sanctioning at the final one.

Keywords: Emotions, Motives, Educational And Professional Activity

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004740

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