Interactive virtual learning environment to develop next-generation cybersecurity practitioner competency
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Rahmira Rufus, Jeff Greer, Ulku Clark, Geoffrey Stoker, Thomas Johnston
Abstract: This paper groups simulated behavioral, technical and operational elements of a ‘real enterprise’ for cybersecurity awareness, education and training (AET) evaluation. The research goal is developing next-generation cybersecurity practitioner competency congruent to behavioral and socioeconomic aspects of the next generation of computing. Within the cybersecurity knowledge domain, the modern digital enterprise is the system of interest (SOI) that requires enterprise cybersecurity execution to ensure security fitness based upon system state criteria. For this scope of the research, the enterprise is simulated via a web interface engineered to focus on the human entity being the key indicator to the success or failure of the enterprise’s security posture. The virtual learning interface is the application domain called the Integrated Virtual Learning Environment for Cybersecurity (IVLE4C). The objective is to leverage ILVE4C as a tool to increase practitioner proficiency, as currently there is tremendous investment focused on secure enterprise digitalization for the next generation of computing. However, there is no specialized engineering workstation for this type of platform. Utilization of the ILVE4C workstation is intended to provide such a platform to enhance the development and efforts of enterprise cyber defenders to address the reduction of this learning curve and to improve this human attack surface factor within the AET space.
Keywords: Virtual learning web technologies, VR, AR systems, enterprise cybersecurity, awareness, education and training (AET)
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004762
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