Advancing Inclusive Gaming: A Framework for the Visually Impaired

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Wenhui SunWei HuangLan ChenHua Yang

Abstract: Our study proposes the Visual Impairment-Design, Dynamics, Experience (VI-DDE) framework, a new take on the existing Design, Dynamics, Experience (DDE) model ( Walk, Görlich, and Barrett, 2017). The VI-DDE framework focuses on making video games easier to access and enjoy for those with visual impairments. We put the VI-DDE framework to the test by designing a unique Action Role-Playing Game (ARPG) specifically for visually impaired players. Our experiments, comparing this game to traditional games, confirm that our VI-DDE framework successfully improves game accessibility and fun for visually impaired gamers.

Keywords: Visual Impairment, Inclusive Design, Accessibility, Audio-based games

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004800

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